Saturday, June 9, 2018, 2:30-5:00pm EST
Moderator: Tom Kiely
Barbara Honegger – 9/11: Gladio Brought Home to the U.S. (go to 0:0)
Former White House and Department of Justice Official Barbara Honegger, M.S., presents 'The Burning Facts' that prove the Official Conspiracy Theories of what happened at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and Shanksville, Pennsylvania, on 9/11 are not only false but absurd. The presentation includes the compelling evidence that the real story of September 11th is a treasonous inside operation scripted and overseen by the Pentagon Gladio liaison office that perpetrated the mass false flag terrorist attacks against innocent European citizens during the Cold War to discredit the Left.
Michael Springmann – Weaponized Migrations: Fueling Europe for False Flags (go to 38:13)
The United States and its confederates have destabilized and/or destroyed most of the countries in South and Southwest Asia and North Africa. Having dehoused substantial portions of their populations, America and its co-conspirators have long been pushing these people into Europe. The result, with German Chancellor Angela Merkel's help, is chaos: racial and religious hatred, along with anti-democratic attacks on anyone or any group that questions migrant policy.
Ole Dammegard – Find the Clues and Connect the Dots (go to 1:11:22)
Master detective Ole Dammegard deconstructs some of the premier false flags of our era. It turns out that the perpetrators behind many false flag operations are actually hiding clues about their upcoming attacks. In the forensic evidence. Hidden in plain sight.
Kevin Barrett – Guyénot on False Flags: Zionism, Psychopathy, and the Hijacked Provocation (go to 1:47:52)
In books and articles published during the past few years, French historian Laurent Guyénot has made several important contributions to the study of false flag events. Dr. Barrett's presentation will summarize those contributions, including the “family resemblance” between the JFK assassination and 9/11, the role of Zionism, and the theory of the “hijacked provocation” in which one intelligence agency infiltrates, amplifies, and turns to its own purposes another agency’s false flag operation.
Q&A (go to 2:14:47)