Looks like you are over the target Cat, bravo.

IMHO CIA, Mossad and MI6 are one and the same: "their" Special Forces.

Elon Musk is a very spooky construct apparently successfully sold to the American public.

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“Freedom of speech, not reach” is indeed some kind of perversion and constitutes violation of free speech. Even people particularly interested in your posts, your followers, won’t see it. While it may be understandable that controversial post may not be boosted, they shouldn’t be silenced.

Looking from the bright side, they at least send you a warning. My twits lost visibility without a warning.

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Now I am worried that if I hit LIKE I too will be targeted.


Keep up the good fight Cat, I'm right behind you, all the way :)

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El-On Musk.....the Eye of Sauron"..or ..muskrat was known as a bastardized child of the chief technocrat clan..his mother for decades appeared to be the incarnation of old slewfoot..Lucifer....hobbes..the saturnine leviathon..Satan. ** ..El-On.. the dope using ...dope headed multi polygamist Jew -tool... ambiguously exposes and soils himself as a verified con artist grifter..not unlike "Dwonald chump rat. "the current neoliberal neofeudal chabad convert..the 30 pieces of silver clockwork orange solipsistic amoral deceiver..or our premiere kol nidre ...Tikkun olam type Judas goat trojan horse statist.....masquerading. disingenuosly as a "nationalist"...ha! ..nothing... could be farther from the truth...Astounding similarities in degeneracy ..reprobate perversity...and ominous appeasement to the cult of jewdevilish .and freemasonic totalitarianism...arise when any normative decent sentient individual looks objectively at Muskrat the putative "crypto-jew rhetorics...his "simian or simp -like relativity..?... to most beleaguered ..oppressed Americans in 2024... Muskrat...and zionist rfk..and trumpdog..alike..are bovine..pusilanimous..delighting in masturbatory vile Jewish demonism....all 3.. are odious onerous obvious tools of the Homicidal militant socialist..satanic zionist entity....do they also have clannish..statist.. pre-connections to WEF-blackrock ?...of course they do...via any number of surreptitious ways..most Americans still don't. realize javanka kushner trumprat.is like Nikki Haley.. Dan Crenshaw

and many others..an Isreal firster loud proud and wrong member of the horrifying globohomosexual judao-bolshevist..WEF...* Nevertheless..EL-On Musk...always plays the old good-cop..bad -cop or really good Jew -bad jew-theater...bread and circuses...for the Joe and Jane six-packs out there... alwaysservibg the deep state or New Jew Order cyborg fysphoric dystopian jees... Recall t---rump Mr...warp speed genocide..*warp speed ineptitude..warp speed incompetence..* he stands by his new Jew kung flu kill shot clot shot Jewish eugenics..jewish bioethics to this day....in muskrats case...incompetence as a pejorative absolutely fits hand in glove with Muskrat the would-be -jewrat...or really...at the end of the day..wasn't El--On Musk..a mentally ill Jew all along? We. believe...hoping against hope ..that soon...all these questions about the extraordinary deranged Jewish elite depravity issues will be ushered in ..front and center..into the acerbic..cold ..objective light of our day....resolved by kristallnacht...

we said long ago...*we're all Palestinians now* we said the New Jew Order ..falsely deemed to be.."internationalists,.."globalists..The U.N..the deep state.....etc..would pakistanize ..africanize..the western hemisphere...to close ..unfortunately..El-On Muskrat does not seem as quickly to be joining the elder Rothschild..r.b.ginsburgh..Madelyn Albright..Henry Kissinger..in Hell fire..but as our biomedical associates, medical science friends now say in unison.."the electric car is a clear death threat .like 5G...emf radiation...to biological human health....a retarded..homocidal misstep of progress..."...Thanks but no thanks El-On for the obvious depopulation tool ..the E-,car...**..El-On is a reprobate pro cyborg Grifter.....most biological sentient unquackzinated humans want nothing to do with Muskrat s neural necklace cyborg transmogrification....**if and when El-On muskrat goes away..we merely say..go and don't come back..don't let the door hit you on the head on your way out". To be clear..Sorry... we don't support genocide Jew Biden .Vivek or shanahan..satanic Barry Obama.. Jill Stein or any other champions of Jewish space lasers... Just a few thoughts...

Go away El-On..you have played both sides against the middle for a very long time....

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