2 days later:

Cat, on reflection, concerning David Icke and QC, I give 'external forces' a 1/50 possibility and entirely human hidden ("occult") forces 49/50. Sabbateanism would fit the bill and whatever preceeded it - Kabbala? gnosticism? today's Nazi International? - who really cares! The hidden path attracts exactly those who want a shortcut to power but lack any ability to earn it. Their legions are myriad, down to the petty corruptibles (30 pieces of silver) constantly being exposed.

Today we witness their blood sacrifices underway in Ukraine and Gaza.

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Absolutely don't agree with Old World Order. Putting QC/David Icke and this video together are we supposed to believe that there are good and bad aliens or a previous race of giants (right up our grandparents day), and much more to the point (THE point in fact) that human beings are incapable of building the Parthenon, discovering mathematics, painting the Sistina ceiling, writing symphonies, inventing surgeries that don't cut open the body, developing philosophy....this is exactly what humanity haters WANT us to believe.

Why is America covered with ticky tacky box housing? It's simple: Money and the concept of "developers" made it a norm. That is, Americans now see it as normal.

One of the most amazing experences of my life was seeing Foster's HKSB tower in Hong Kong constructed using 100% bamboo scaffolding. I worked on this project for 3 years.


These architects have to get over themselves: "there weren't any architecture schools back then!" Yeah, and there weren't any journalism $chools and Media $chools before 40 years ago, but strangely there WAS journalism. And media: the carvings on the cathedrals, the mosaics in Hagia Sofia, the writings of the ancient Greeks and Chinese.....

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I'm not saying I agree with or even understand everything said in these 3 videos. I just found them provocative and mind bending. Sort of the way a friend of mine values what to me looks like bad, ugly art. She finds the provocativeness of the imagery a worthwhile challenge to our senses.

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Good day, I'm new contributor of this substack.

David Icke is a strange character who once claimed to be the Son of God. Jesus Christ warned that false Christs and prophets would emerge and inundate the world with claims of superiority and deceive many (Matthew 24). The alien spiritual entities, UFO's, spoken of by people like Icke are nothing more than demonic entities of Satan's kingdom, that pretend to identify as angels of God, but masquerade as the angel of light, which the apostle Paul described as Jewish priests that were perverting the Gospel of Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 11:12-14).

Astrid Zuckelberger is also another strange one who believes in esoteric phenomena.

It may seem that Icke and Zuckelberger have something to contribute, but most of what they represent has occultic origin. Why I say that is because almost all the systems and implements of convenience in the world, that are considered necessary for living, were founded upon and innovated through occultic influences.

Think about this! When we never had the modern implements that people are now so dependant on, did it impede their lives? No, it never! But now that we are so conditioned to be dependent upon them, we find it impossible to do without them. I know that none of us were, and are, in a position to stop the advance of technology, so whether we like it or not, we are compelled to go along with it.

Questions may be asked and claimed that our physical world has so many hidden technological phenomena that can be tapped into. Yes, this is exactly what has been done, like electricity, and other technological discoveries. These things, I believe, God created for us to make use of for good before the Fall in the garden of Eden. The Bible teaches that Satan is the god of this world who has blinded the minds of those who do not believe in the salvation of God in Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 4:1-4). Satan became the god of this world through capturing the heart of mankind by deceiving them to disobey God in the garden of Eden. By capturing the heart of man, Satan also directs men's hearts to impose measures in life conducive to his evil purpose, like using technology that God created for good but Satan has used for destructive purposes. Satan's ultimate purpose is to destroy man which is God's masterpiece.

With the very things that Satan has influenced men to devise so it offers convenience for us, are the very things which we are going to be trapped and destroyed with. If things remained as they were from the beginning of creation, as God designed them to be, then life would continue just as God intended.

I could go on and on but I think what I have shared is understood.

There may be intriguing adventures in the esoteric mysteries to excite our sinful inclinations, but better we remain on the narrow road that Jesus Christ warned us of that leads to life eternal, than the broad road which leads to destruction (Matthew 7:13-14).

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Thank you Cat! So far I watched the Quinto Columna which just seemed obvious but also reassuring to hear it from QC :-)) Strange that they didn't mention morphic resonance, only more or less describe it. John (below) will tell you that 1) I 've never doubted "they" will lose and 2) I've always described "them" as stupid, so thank you David Icke! A special satisfaction....

A big question could be: are the Gaza genocidaires the alien force - or - the earliest programmed from antiquity?

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By the way, they have frozen the Like button.

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I'm able to click the like button, and other essays of mine are getting "like" hits so I wonder if it's on your end and/or maybe just this essay.

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Hi Cat,

I looked up distances from NYC and I'm seeing that Boise, Phoenix and Salt Lake City are about 2000 miles away. https://www.distancefromto.net/city-new-york

"Inquiring Minds Want To Know."


Terrance Howard has a talent for synthesizing concepts in a novel way, and it is a big, big talent that he has. He has constructed a rich world in his mind and he can explain it at any length, because it is so well composed.

He does say a fair number of things which are wrong, though, so it is a fantasy world. He could be a very good fantasy author, but I do have to side with Tyson, which I don't always. Tyson is also a really good explainer, and he was when he was a TA at UT Austin, teaching Astronomy for non-science majors, which my fiancee (now wife) took. I went along to the top of the Engineering building with her one night to catch a star talk of his. Darned good TA, he was.

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good sleuthing - SLC

Thank you for pointing out Howard says wrong things. I wouldn't know. I'll try to stay on top of any dog piles that ensue to find out why.

Great Tyson anecdote.

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The Like button is still "off" here.

Thank you - I know you offered them as interesting and provocative; they certainly provoked me!

The QC / Icke is an important video, a milestone.

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