Mayday! Mayday! U.S. has soft coup d'état
May 1, 2024: The day America was Zionized by an "Antisemitism Awareness Act"
NB - There are many righteous Jews in the world, Jews of conscience. This essay is not necessarily referring to you.
“Mayday” is an internationally-recognized word signaling “Emergency — All hands on deck!” America is in an emergency, and too few people are grasping that what has transpired is just the tip of the iceberg.
Soft coup d’états are not foreign to America. For example, our history includes the following soft coups:
1963 - the assassination in broad daylight of President John F. Kennedy
1974 - the forced resignation of President Richard Nixon
2000 - a judicial coup when SCOTUS threw the election to George W. Bush
2020 - the stolen election of President Donald Trump who won by a landslide
Yet, on May 1st (a different May Day signal of sorts), by a 320 to 91 vote the House of Representatives passed H.R. 6090, a/k/a the Antisemitism Awareness Act. The Senate is expected to pass the bill with the same alacrity that our bought-off ZOG’d* Congress displayed when they recently voted to send yet more of our tax billions to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan.
*ZOG stands for Zionist Occupied Government
For a greater understanding, see:
America is a Gentile Nation
So why do we allow a fifth-column faction of elite Jews to control us?
The bill’s provenance is the “non-legally binding working definition of antisemitism,” peddled by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), an “intergovernmental organization” that focuses on the holocaust and genocide.
The Congressional bill’s overly broad guidelines fail to define what exactly “antisemitism” is. Instead, the bill’s sponsors adopted whole-hog the IHRA’s examples. Apparently, the IHRA, a non-American international group with over 35 member countries (including Israel), will seemingly be consultants to our politicians and courts in terms of how to finesse this outrageous new law vis-à-vis free speech in America.
The IHRA’s 11 examples of so-called anti-Semitism are astonishing. The scope of their unconstitutionality will take your breath away. Every citizen is duty-bound to read the 11 bullet points and envision their implications at length.
Presumably, the IHRA definitions were waiting patiently on the shelf for the right moment to debut in the same way the Patriot Act was oh-so-timely trotted out in response to 9/11. And sure enough, the Act was sitting on the shelf, already having been put forth back in 2023.
The hate-crime bill is ZOG’s answer to the inability of the powers-that-be to silence vociferous pro-Palestinian students at over 120 peace encampments across the nation — not to mention the body politic at large once it gets familiar with the shameful, unconstitutional legislation Washington is about to rubber-stamp into law.
The Act is equal parts fascist, totalitarian, and Talmudic, and follows the same playbook as the Balfour Agreement and the anti-BDS laws: start with proclamations and then in short order work it until it becomes law. Who knows to what degree the fifth column of Zionists in our country will leverage the power that is so close to being officially conferred on them. Their anti-free-speech play is the camel’s nose under the tent.
To wit, notice the ambiguous catch-all wording indicating the law would target not just education programs, but also be “for other purposes.” Well, that’s certainly a dangerously open-ended mandate.
The ACLU weighed in to explain why there is actually no need for an anti-Semitism act. They also affirmed that criticism of Israel is not anti-Semitic.
“Federal law already prohibits antisemitic discrimination and harassment by federally funded entities. H.R. 6090 is therefore not needed to protect against antisemitic discrimination; instead, it would likely chill free speech of students on college campuses by incorrectly equating criticism of the Israeli government with antisemitism.”
“While we wholly support efforts to fight discrimination and harassment through Title VI complaints and investigations, we strongly oppose use of the IHRA definition, or any definition of discrimination that threatens to censor or penalize political speech protected by the First Amendment.”
Once the Act is codified into law, which anti-Semites will our ZOG overlords go after? There are thousands if not millions of people who would qualify as guilty by the Act’s hate crime standards. Who will be the first guinea pig for ADL to test-drive their shiny new law?
Plus, who knows what the punishment will be? Fines? Prison? Reeducation camp? Deportation? Your first born?
Since Americans have rarely been able to publicly discuss the elephant in the room, for most of the country this unprecedented IHRA law will seem as if it arrived out of the blue from nowhere. That could be in part why the hoi polloi are not responding to the Act with the gravity it deserves. But a bigger reason is undoubtedly the cold shoulder it’s getting from the mainstream and liberal media.
Conservative-leaning thought leaders are railing about First Amendment violations here, here, here, and here, for example. However, except for sparse obligatory coverage that the bill had passed the House, at this point the Antisemitism Awareness Act has been virtually ghosted by the mainstream and liberal media. Four days into the House passage, so far the sole New York Times article on the Act reduced it to right-wing, quasi Christian-nationalist fearmongering.

Normally the loquacious Zio-owned media is like white on rice when it comes to all things Jewish. One would think they would be loudly high-fiving their victory toward shutting down pro-Palestinian speech on campus. Au contraire. The more astute assessment of why they are ghosting the Act is because they know that if the public became fully aware of what is in that Act calling for awareness, outfits like the ADL couldn’t manufacture enough consent to quiet the pitchforks. Clearly Team Zio is laying low until the Act gets passed in the Senate and signed by Biden to become the full-blown law of the land.
Time is of the essence. Now is when people need to be writing their senators to demand they oppose this reactionary bill. If citizens were up in arms that the Koch brothers were pushing ALEC legislation, wait until they learn foreigners are involved in emasculating our First Amendment rights.
Not only is it unfamiliar and new, but the Act itself theoretically prevents the citizenry from even being able to discuss it. Note that two of the Act’s 11 no-no’s deal specifically with the holocaust. Europe for years has enforced hate crime laws relating to Jews and especially the holocaust. Thousands of Europeans have served prison time for alleged “anti-Semitic” wrong-think.
For example, 95-year-old Ursula Haverbeck has been repeatedly hauled into prison for decades simply for her belief that the holocaust did not happen the way it is officially portrayed. Heaven forbid, we have an open debate as to what really happened during WWII. Consider exploring hidden-history revisionist analysis here, here, and here, for example, wherein it is exposed that the official holocaust narrative makes the 9/11 official narrative look like a little white lie.
It is this kind of Orwellian injustice the Land of the Free can look forward to if we don’t protect our sacred Constitution and Bill of Rights from intolerable legislation like the Antisemitism Awareness Act. Net net, the entire 11 examples are simply indefensible. The hate speech Act’s legality must be vigorously challenged in our courts until its ignominious existence is expunged forever.
This dangerous Act exists to protect Jews and only Jews — not any other race or ethnic group who likewise might appreciate some “awareness” protection muscle thrown their way.
The thinking seems to be that for no reason at all Jews are hated, as if there is just rampant, irrational anti-Semitism buried in every non-Jew’s DNA. With all due respect to Jews of good conscience, bad behavior on the part of bad-actor Jews — primarily elite cabal Jews — is the sole reason for animosity against Jews. And also why across the centuries Jews (including the innocent) have been expelled from at least 109 countries.

The chosen people always seem to point the finger outward instead of deeply reflecting on their own culture’s drawbacks and sizable contributions to anti-Semitism. Jewish people would be far more welcome and accepted if they would stop treating their neighbors with Talmudic contempt. No other people in the world categorically dismiss as lesser all groups outside of their own. Nor is it appreciated when they continually press onto humanity their patronizing versions of tikkun olam.
It is said that the worst kings are those who are afraid of their own people. The Judeo junta currently calling the shots in the U.S. are clearly terrified of We The People. It’s a sad state of affairs when Jews have to enact laws to force the populace they rule over not to speak ill of them.
The genocidal horrors in Gaza committed by Israeli Jews have weakened the ability of all Jews to use anti-Semitism as a cudgel. That’s why they have to weaponize it and “holocaust denial” through legal lawfare means. Bottom line, many people are concluding that if genocide is anti-Semitic, then so be it, they’re anti-Semitic.
A law against hating Jews is probably the beginning of the end of Judeocracy in the USA. Heads up, dear friends, the entire world has your number. Foisting a highly illegal, contemptuous censorship law on our citizenry is going to go a long way toward finally waking Americans up as well. So don’t expect to get away with a genocidally-stolen promised land that will never look like this:

PLEASE NOTE: I am a regular guest co-host on Dr. Kevin Barrett’s False Flag Weekly News show. Consider watching our latest FFWN recorded May 3, as well as reading a clever-as-usual piece Kevin followed up with on his Substack entitled They Hate Our Freedom. But Which "They"?
Thanks Cat.
This is open-ended, just as the definition of "antisemitism" is "anything we don't like, pertaining to Israel, Jews of the history thereof".
'To wit, notice the ambiguous catch-all wording indicating the law would target not just education programs, but also be “for other purposes.”'
Cat is a stentorian munificent magisterial fighter for pure truth.**Only controlled opposition cyborgs reject her research out of hand..arbitrarily dismissing truths which can literally break the chains of deception into a billion pieces of be forgotten like the chaos of the earth prior to creation. Persecutorial normies can't be bothered to divest themselves of trumptardism...they don't need an internet free from Jewish censorship..qtards..rfk fans..still delude themselves by imagining that exchanging one solipsistic Jew for a zionazi Jew ..or a sputtering globohomosexual Jew..will resolve any of scorched earth fallen schismatic ..schizoid America s real problems. ..we don't intend to extrapolate too much..we understand this is the era of the infotainment junkie the dumb phone addicted zombie..but fact stands..Cat is terrific. We also like Celia Farber...So...Don't Ever Stop. Cat...**You are an inspiration in a sea of zircons conformist cowards.**God Bless.**