Genius: Vacationing Family Poses As Illegal Immigrants To Get Free Hotel Room In New York City


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I'd seen this - extremely alarming. From the comments: "These are sleeper cells." "Tell me this isn't a clandestine operation going on inside that building. "So afraid the public is going to find out what's really going on."

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Wow, Cat, you don't pull punches! I too am up to here with the smarmy, insufferable, and thoroughly dishonest nonsense I'm hearing from my woke (and even somewhat awakened) acquaintances, throwing out ad hominem accusations such as "racist", "uncaring", and finally when all else fails, one's unforgivable "whiteness".

Recently when I suggested to a man in my cosseted, very blue neighborhood that the trajectory we're on as a "sanctuary city" is unsustainable and ultimately ruinous, he blandly and disdainfully insisted that this "isn't a zero-sum game" and "there are resources for all", "there is no limit to how many people we can take in". The wokerati's denial of reality is astonishing, and only rivaled by their hypocrisy. I am sure this same man believes that overpopulation is an existential threat to the world's limited and rapidly diminishing resources, and must be addressed by draconian methods.

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Grandma Bear -- Your friend might shirk in horror at this provocative article:

Population Explosion or Population Collapse?


I skimmed past the geek stats and went for the implications in the last half of the article. The author is saying in part that the more traditionally religious one is, the more children you will have. The more children you have, the more opportunity to influence the politics of generations to come merely by the calculus of birthing your kind into the future. In other words, we don't have to worry about the likes of the Extinction Rebellion or LGBQ-XYZ because they literally are demographically depopulating themselves into the future -- and their dodo politics will die out with them.

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Wow, Grandma Bear. Love your response! "Wokerati" - that's a good one. I agree with everything you wrote and how well you wrote it. Amazing how successful our overlords were with the overpopulation scam. They convinced us the survival of humanity depended on us curbing our birth rates, when in reality it came out years later that overpopulation is the exact opposite. So very many countries now are *under*populated -- the better to effectuate the culling effort.

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