Taking out Donald Trump: A Tale of Two Conspiracy Theories
In today's fifth-gen world, while many savvy sleuths have correctly called out the event as staged, most of them are arriving at competing versions of cui bono?, both of which are flawed.
After years of false flag events, a dissident, sophisticated hoi polloi is now adept at deconstructing Deep State manipulation. Without missing a beat, following the July 13 attempted assassination of Donald Trump at a rally at the Butler, Pennsylvania fairgrounds, a flurry of counternarratives immediately mushroomed across the social media landscape.
Pundits and citizen journalists far and wide—mostly pro-Trump—are proclaiming with various degrees of evidence that this was a straight-up, orchestrated psyop, NOT the act of some deranged, “lone wolf” reacting to years of hyper goading by Democrats that Trump should be taken out.
The conspiracy theory of these mostly conservative analysts is that the attempted assassination of Trump would do what lawfare has spectacularly failed to do: eliminate a Trump 2.0 presidency. Cui bono? In the opinion of the mostly pro-Trump analysts, the beneficiaries are the reprehensible Democrat forces controlling the DNC—be they the party hacks, the billionaire donors, and/or the uber bosses at the Soros level.
Percolating elsewhere, however, are non-partisan analysts who likewise see a psychological operation, but attribute the choreography not to the Biden camp, but rather to Team Trump. Cui bono? Obviously a surviving, muscularized Trump himself in spades. Gimlet-eyed cynics wonder whether so many picture-perfect images were simply a photo shoot for Trump 2024. Campaign-ready visuals appeared faster than 2015’s We Are Charlie Hebdo posters.
Powerful images of a defiant Trump breaking out from the Secret Service cordon with a clenched fist screaming “Fight! Fight! Fight!” will surely edge out in history the heroic image of Ronald Reason striding away cowboy-style from the attempted assassination on him.
As Trump was coming to the surface from his protective bubble, he said to the Secret Service “Wait! Wait! Wait!” so he could pause for his clenched fist cameo. I could see a Marine-hardened Scott Ritter fearlessly stare down gunshots whizzing by, but The Donald? I don’t think so. Like most mortals, he very likely would have freaked out, shit his pants, and cowered like a three-year-old. Or was The Apprentice star cool and emboldened because he was given cue cards beforehand laden with a super-hero script?
Either way, as per Vince Palamara, the #1 expert on the role of the Secret Service in the JFK assassination, the Secret Service never defers to the president. It is the president who takes orders from the Secret Service. It is highly unlikely that on Trump’s in-the-moment command they would pause their professional duty to protect him so that he could grandstand.

Darren Beattie presciently asks whether 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks was in on the plan. How did he know the Secret Service would not be patrolling the nearby roof in order to bring a ladder to climb up on it? Makes you wonder if Crooks were to be added to the annals of American patsy-assassins, was he “discovered” in 2023 when he was featured in a BlackRock commercial?
In Tim Truth’s video analysis of the assassination attempt, he raises some very worthy questions. For example, how come we don’t see any blood on Trump’s fingers after having touched his supposedly grazed, bleeding ear? There is no blood on his hands or his white shirt either. Tim Truth speculates the blood was cosmetically added by a make-up artist during the huddle-down with the Secret Service agents.

Tim Truth also points out that at the critical moment that Trump’s right ear is grazed, he is directing the audience’s attention to a billboard located to his far right entitled “Immigration Into the U.S.” (at 7:56). Turning toward the billboard enabled Trump to crucially shield his right ear from the cameras. Tim Truth asserts this could well have been Trump’s cue to begin the staged shooting. It is like an Umbrella Man moment when on that sunny day in 1963 in Dealey Plaza a Deep State asset opened his black umbrella signaling the cue to shoot President Kennedy.
And curiously, why are there so few cell phone videos from the many attendees blanketing the internet? This woman seems to have gotten a 9/11 Naudet Brothers-style memo to document the assassination attempt from the get-go.
Anyway, all to say, here we have one side (mostly pro-Trump) conservatives accepting at face value the numerous false-flag cues put before them, outraged by their perception of a liberal-left choreographed event, and falling for the assumption that the cui bono? answer was their Dem enemies. I say they’re being played with the most surface level scenario of the July 13th false flag.
On the other side of the conspiracy theories, we have skeptics (left, right, and center) who think Trump’s heroics were a staged act, orchestrated seemingly by some pro-Trump contingent(s) to unequivocally ensure Trump’s election to the presidency. This is the more likely scenario in my opinion, but they, too, have a faulty answer to the cui bono? question.
As for the virulently anti-Trump liberal-left, who knows whether they think any of this event was orchestrated by members of their side, or the Trump campaign itself, or the work of one lone nut? The far-left rank-and-file don’t really care because they’re too busy bawling their eyes out on social media that Trump did not get assassinated (see here, here, and here)—thereby validating conservative accusations that the liberal-left fearmongers actively promote the end of Trump not just metaphorically, but clearly literally as well.
The Democratic leadership’s disingenuousness is on full fake display when they cry crocodile tears for Trump’s near-miss assassination. The key clue is their condolence message. To a T, multiple politicians in the Biden camp—from Biden himself to Gavin Newsom and George W. Bush—all shared the same scripted messaging that quote-unquote, “there is no room for violence in our democracy.” The level of uniformity gave the game away. Even Modi, the prime minister of India, regurgitated from afar the same canned quote.
The condolence message was a barely veiled version of dozens of media mavens delivering verbatim identical talking points about six years ago as seen in the video compilation “This is Extremely Dangerous to Our Democracy.”
Net net, my money is on the analysis of the Trump-is-in-on-it sceptics, but not for the cui bono? reasons many of them seem to have settled on. While the pro-Trump MAGA-ites are too readily puppets of perception management, the sceptics who think Trump was in on it are likewise showing themselves to be a bit too easily swayed, driven more by ideological inclinations than the crime’s forensic evidence.
There is, however, another group of people who support Trump for president, but are no more “pro-Trump” than they are “pro-Biden.” They are the Big Money hedge-fund class just looking for the most expedient puppet of the moment who will abide by their wishes. It doesn’t matter one iota which side of the aisle the candidate is on. Following the Butler shooting, poohbahs like Elon Musk are being trotted out to promote a newly reinvigorated “pro-Trump” presidential campaign.

The uber-oligarchs who control the behind-the-curtain strings for both political parties are by and large the ZOGs running not just the uniparty, but our entire country—and truth be told, running it into the ground. They went for the soft kill on Joe with the devastating debates and the fake hard kill on Trump. It’s all perception management, of course. As Caitlin Johnstone facetiously once wrote: “A jar of kalamata olives could be president.”
Trump was never meant to be killed. Neither he nor his home team masterminded this classic marketing false flag. He was just ordered to read his lines, similar to what he’s always done since 2016 as a ZOG-controlled politician. Even though he is trouncing Biden in the polls, our Zio overlords have doubled down by turning Trump into a fake hero to game the system with powerful optics in order to be absolutely sure he is catapulted into the presidency to do their bidding.

Ultimately, cui bono? the most? With a single headline, Andrew Anglin provides the perfect answer: Israel. Plus, Trump naming J.D. “I will be a strong advocate for Israel in the Senate” Vance as his running mate clinches it.
The ruling Zio oligarchs don't need someone like Biden any more to milk America for all it’s worth. There’s not much copper wiring left to tear out. At this point they will use Trump to the extent they can since he’s proven he’ll readily capitulate to do elite Jewish bidding. And bottom line, if and when the West goes to hell in a handbasket, they’ll make sure the full blame goes to Trump, America’s white male deplorable president.
For more insights, read Kevin Barrett’s write-up, Trump Shooting: Cock-up or Conspiracy?, and watch the recent False Flag Weekly News where Kevin and I discuss Trump, Biden, and other newsworthy issues.
I had written in the article: This woman seems to have gotten a 9/11 Naudet Brothers-style memo to document the assassination attempt from the get-go.
Well, lookie here to see who that woman supposedly is. See the comments. Did she or didn't she get the memo? Is she or isn’t she an FBI agent?
The conspiracy theorists are being psyop'd.