1) Bobby was lying uncomfortably as he talked to Glenn Greenwald about Israeli virtue. He must know the circumstances around the death of his father and uncle better than we do. Sirhan Sirhan was chosen as a patsy, with the motive of "Kennedy supported Israel", which is turning the knife in the wound. Yet, Bobby has long held this same position, as if a political truce is being respected.

I like that he is a bad-liar, but not that he lied.

I do not know what the treaty he signed commits him to.

2) Bobby is clearly not doing something usual with this candidacy. I don't know exactly what he is doing, except to bring a lot of topics into open political discussion, like "Chemtrails", which he lets Dane Wiggington explain in detail for an hour in this interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqSkbHKSnjI&t=3557s

He says he "takes precautions" for his life, but what would that be? I suspect there is a group that is protecting him as he casts light on all of the "conspiracy theories", which one can often see as clearly as the spraying of particulates in the sky, which spread out to create a haze at airplane-level. Is this the "rationalist faction" of the deep-state that protected Trump? I don't know. He doesn't say.

The path Bobby Jr. is on now is one of conflict with the existing DNC power-cabal. They are fighting Congressional Republicans, too.

Who else wants them out? The oligarchs are not well served by them, nor is the national interest, nor are the citizens. What would a putsch look like in the US?

Is it possible to replace the courtiers of the imperial court? It would need to actually happen before the primaries are over. It needs to actually happen. Political posturing could turn to criminal charges against Bidens, though it has not.

Bobby's battles are to break the Overton Window open and to take down the Clinton-Bush-Obama consortium. There need to be deep-state "white hats" doing a lot of that. I just have to wait and see.

History demands a competent national leader in these times of drastic change that have begun.

I think Kennedy or Trump could do that job, and I suspect that the same "rationalists" are angling for that outcome, but it really is a big, corrupt, murderous and fearful swamp.

History demanding a leader is not enough to install a leader.

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Ross Perot? Ralph Nader?

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Couldn’t care less about trying to assuage Israel.

Many schools have tried it and been taken over by bank owned charter schools .

Israel seeks military dominance—-they don’t listen to words .

“By way of deception thou shalt do war”.

Israel is not interested in friends —- only land , “power “ and similar to fore planned 9/11/01, rebuilding Ground Zero as Corporate Conglomerate paid Shopping Center —-

Agreeing with their giant ego only gives them more power .

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