U.S. backs Zio-Al Qaeda takedown of Syria
“There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.” — Vladimir Lenin
NOTE: Here’s more of my thoughts on Syria in addition to our coverage on the recent False Flag Weekly News show (12/7/24) where I am a regular guest host along side Dr. Kevin Barrett.
Long a thorn in the side of the bankster cabal, Bashar Assad was one of the few leaders in the world to defiantly resist the Rothschild financial system and usury, while providing Syrians free education and free health care. Thankfully, Assad escaped the country before the invading fanatics could do a Gaddafi on him. The Assads received asylum in Russia—a destination of late for scourged truth tellers such as Edward Snowden, Tara Reade, Eva Bartlett, Greg Reese, and J6 refugee Charles Bausman.
In May 2024, it was announced that Syrian First Lady Asma Assad has acute myeloid leukemia in the form of aggressive cancer of the bone marrow and blood. This is an aptly sad, despairing metaphor for Syria today: worn to the bone with spilled blood everywhere.
Many followers of journalist Vanessa Beeley were concerned whether she also would find safe harbor. Read her gripping account of fleeing Syria as marauding thugs swooped in. Perhaps she will join fellow journalist Eva Bartlett in Russia.
Can we please stop referring to the mercenaries who took out Syria as “rebels” or “jihadis”? Let’s call them what they are: Israeli proxy terrorists.
Or closer to the mark is Syrian Girl, one of the more astute analysts on Syria. (Pepe Escobar, global journalist, thinks so, too.) In a recent interview with Kim Iversen, Syria Girl referred to the Israelis as Jew-hadis.

So, will Israel be content with its occupation of Syria? Me thinks not. More expansionism and escalation is in store. Years in the making, the Zionists’ Clean Break strategy and Oded Yinon plan little by little continue to fall into place. The objective is to Balkanize the Mideast (à la Sykes-Picot 2.0) into small statelets that can then be neutralized for occupation and takeover.
The end result would be the restoration of biblical Eretz Yisreal—Greater Israel—a region extending from the Nile to the Euphrates encompassing all of Lebanon, Occupied Palestine, and Jordan, and parts of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, and Turkey. No wonder Zionists scream antisemitism when pro-Palestinian activists chant, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” They see it as bogarting a piece of their pie.
With Gaza as the template, the above countries would each be wise to expect their own bespoke Nakba followed by unrestrained genocide for resisters.
Cryptic message from Zionists to the rest of the world: You’re next.
Actually, Gaddafi prefigured Zionist intentions when in 2008 at an Arab Summit in Damascus he remarked on the West’s execution of a sitting head of state, Saddam Hussein. The prescient gadfly warned: “The turn will come to each of you, they will come for you. What happened to Saddam awaits you too.” The television cameras captured Assad and Mubarak not so presciently laughing at the thought. (See full remarks)
As the Zionists blatantly and dangerously pursue their Greater Israel project, perhaps now is a good time to review the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which is billed as a blueprint for Jewish global domination. The book is denounced as fabricated, yet 1984 by George Orwell is fiction, and it sure seems pretty real. So there you go.
It was unrealistic of Iran, Russia, and China—leaders of the multipolar world's resistance against the Zio-controlled unipolar NATO/U.S. front—to expect besieged Syria, a key choke point in the West Asia chessboard, to almost single-handedly defend itself from the jihadi clusterf**k that has been forever sniping at Syria’s borders. Didn't The Big Three understand how critical it was for the long-term survival of their own countries, let alone their various BRICS alliances, to defend Syria? Think: ". . . all for the want of a horseshoe nail."
When are the Arabs going to realize their best defense against the Israel juggernaut is the establishment of a true solidarity. Instead they suicidally fall prey to some form of Sectarian Derangement Syndrome that inexorably gets them divided and conquered—and killing each other. The Israelis sure know how to exploit that senseless vulnerability.
The proxy terrorists in Syria have been totally played. They bought the ploy that with Israel’s help they could overthrow Assad and win control of Syria. Yeah, right. Talk about an obvious bait and switch. Israel is now openly invading Syria under the guise of defending their buffer-zone border in the Golan Heights. (Since when has Israel ever admitted to having any sort of defined border?) Soon enough the Zionists will kick all the duped proxies to the curb and install a puppet. With the help of American B52s of course.
Well actually, if there weren’t the prospect of a super duper pipeline flowing from Qatar through Syria and Turkey straight into Europe, Israel would probably just foment a brutal endless civil war reducing Syria to another failed state. That’s their forte.
Why did Iran, Russia, and even China not come to the defense of Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria each in turn from the get-go? Perhaps coming from humane societies with traditional values, at a deep psychological level they just couldn’t bear to enter into the lying, cheating, stealing, IDF-crossdressing, right-to-rape protesting, baby-killing, mass-murdering theater of war formulated post-October 7 by the Israelis and which now seems to be a new inimical bar.
With its flagrant violations of Geneva Convention rules of engagement and ICC charges of grave crimes against humanity, Israel has irrevocably, satanically transfigured war. If the horrors of the Gaza Genocide don’t scream PEAK EVIL, nothing will. To succeed in such battlegrounds you either stoop to the psychopathic level of these messianic-millenarian maniacs (and lose your soul), or you're dead in the water (and just lose period). That’s how the Zionists roll: pure zero-sum.
Is anyone more backstabbing and traitorous than Erdogan? His Faustian bargain with Israel will come back to haunt him in spades. And that goes for any other Gentiles who think aligning with Talmudic forces has a single iota of upside.
I'm talking to you, Donald Trump, Zio sellout extraordinaire. Wait until the American public finds out that the Israeli proxy terrorists who the U.S. is supporting in Syria are basically an intricate rebrand of Al Qaeda, the very group that supposedly bombed us on 9/11. Just maybe such a sliver of truth could open the door to the greater realization that Israel masterminded 9/11.
Unlike Syria, however, the Zionist takeover of the U.S. is more hidden (censured really), albeit no less total.
Same old ZioBeast story Just a continuation of my book “Visas
For Al Qaeda: CIA Handouts That Rocked The World “
Excellent Cat..read it all. Will look into the the Syrian girl interview. My heart was heavy all day yesterday over what has happened. A temporary big win for the Zionist regime. And I hope the end of Erdogan..a traitor and a snake. 👹