Excellent Cat..read it all. Will look into the the Syrian girl interview. My heart was heavy all day yesterday over what has happened. A temporary big win for the Zionist regime. And I hope the end of Erdogan..a traitor and a snake. 👹
Yes, Alci, "temporary big win" is the operative assessment. It's always darkest before the dawn, and the three transcendentals -- Truth, Beauty, and Good -- always win out.
Excellent. This needs to be required reading by every American school age and older. As the saying goes..'The past is prologue'., We are staring at our future..
Totally agree. The next level of understanding in that direction is that the Zionists are just low hanging fruit fairly new on the scene, only since the late 1800s. The overarching issue is Jewish Power which has been around for centuries, long before Zionism even existed.
For example, the Magna Carta is not just the people going up against the king. It is very much about how to stop jews who had accrued undue power and privileges from their association with the king.
Greater Israel has been the plan all along, Beeley actually wrote about it to in connection to that weird, hyper digitalized prison, oops "vertical city" NEOM or whatever it was called, supposed to be in Saudi Arabia. If I remember correctly, it was to be (is to be?) on the border of eretz Israel. Interesting that Israel has never had set borders. It's always been expansionist. surprise surprise (not)
Yep. If the recent coup is any indication, Syria is going to be a madhouse gathering hole for chaos agents far and wide. I mean WTF were Uighers doing there? It's sort of like Dallas 11/22/1963 when every hitman in the business showed up for "The Big Event." Israel and it's Western lackeys are going to have a hard time keeping the oil flowing through Syria to Europe if Syria shapes up to be Terrorist Central.
The Zionists are pursuing a high-risk high-reward strategy. The danger from chaotic jihadi-infested Syria will give them an excuse to steal more land for Greater Israel.
Any nuclear supplies would have all come from the apartheid South African government's #1 partner: Israel. So much of that came out when the Boer government fell, as did the fact that Nelson Mandela had been doing training in Israel.
My own 2 cents....it is clear - to me anyway - why Assad opted to remove himself. This decision was not taken alone but with his ministers on one hand and in consultation with Iran and Russia on the other, who had offered to take up the fight and were refused. The deal made with ISIS/Al Jolani was that in return for surrendering the state they respect all of Syria's citizens. We shall see...but unlikely, since LGBT-friendly/ DEI "Al Jolani" already beheaded an 11 year old boy on the road to Damascus, obviously this boy was a serious threat to the Takfiris. And as we know everyone who is NOT a Takfiri is "amalek".
The best description of Assad's decision from my POV is Dialogue Works interview 3 days ago with Col. Jacques Baud
Also from my POV, the rumour that the Arab Council advised Assad to get along with Israel and he was influenced by this is obviously silly. Too late for this after 40 plus years of war and resistance and with the enemies gathered inside and on the borders of a desperately weak Syria.
Meanwhile it should be clear why no state has directly intervened to help Gaza, let alone Iran and Russia. In the same way that Ukraine's four day 200-fold increase in shelling Donbass was the PROVOCATION that launched Russia's SMO, UK/USA/ISR proffered - unspoken - direct intervention in Gaza / Israel as reason
to launch their much desired WW3. (All to save their failed financial Ponzi.)
The 'Arab world' refers to all the states where arabic, a semitic language, is spoken. Every single one of them has been weakened. The best they can do is protect their own countries and peoples from the Hegemon's attack and voice solidarity through the Arab Council of States. It is interesting that Saudi Arabia has stuck firmly to its condemnation.
By removing himself Assad has in one stroke removed the Hegemon's excuse for war.(Obama's "Assad must go") The Tyrant has gone! Democracy and Human Rights now reigns! Peace and prosperity will bloom in Syria, liberated at long last!
Lastly, it can be argued that non-intervention and Syrian surrender - painful and horrible as it is - gives the collective Hegemon even more rope to hang itself. Why intervene with that? Next up, it looks like, is an intra-NATO war over the Kurds.
Excellent overview, Cat. I have felt that the period of time between the reelection of Donald Trump as President of the U.S and his oath of office in January 2025 would be a very dangerous period. Now we see these significant geopolitical global changes taking place. Some kind of deal having been struck? It certainly feels like it.
One interesting angle to it all is the degree that virtually nobody saw it coming. I'm sure Trump nor Biden was let in on the game plan. I wonder if Larry Fink or Mariam Adelson were. In any event, much of all this money that the Biden admin has been furiously extracting from the American taxpayers these past 6 months at an ever more manic rate I now believe has not been going to Ukraine or even in private pockets. Of course everyone on the supply chain will get a cut, but the biggest dole has surely been going these last couple of months to the Israeli proxy terrorists who have all descended on Syria like playoffs for the world's worst bad guys. Poor Syria. Nothing like being at one of the world's key crossroads. You're a sitting duck for modern-day Huns. Either that, or you control it because you ARE the Hun of all Huns.
Hi Cat, like all other observers, I did not see this coming and have no satisfying explanation. But I find your explanation ludicrous and naive: "Why did Iran, Russia, and even China not come to the defense of Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria each in turn from the get-go? Perhaps coming from humane societies with traditional values, at a deep psychological level they just couldn’t bear to enter into the lying, cheating, stealing, etc etc."
(just on example: 60 years ago, during our lifetime, communist Chinese, still in power today, killed dozens of millions non- communist Chinese! have you forgotten?)
You know my thesis: like the West, Russia China Iran Israel Hamas etc are all gangsters with blood on their hands, led by the very same Predators in fake theater wars with real victims.
See Rurik Skywalker, Edward Slavsquat, Iain Davis and others (and my book The predators versus The People).
Hi Mees - Yes, I know your thesis and still disagree with it. As much as I truly loved your book, I still have 2 main objections with regards to your overall thesis:
1) The Big Three are just the new bad guys as in meet the new boss, same as the old boss -- I disagree
2) Jews don't control the top of the gangster food chain, that's it's more of a diversified mix of bad guys; no one group has gained overall supremacy -- I disagree
#1 -- Of course there will be analysts like Davis, Slavsquat who agree with you, but they are not the final word. Of course, The Big Three are not angels, but in looking at their basic DNA, for example, I'd rather have a Taoist surveillance security state than a Talmudic surveillance security state. (Obviously I don't want ANY surveillance security state, but humanity is not at that inflection point yet.)
You talk about China's 60 years of communist evil. I would call that an aberrational tangent in their 3000(?) year history. It was channeled by outsider meddling. Mao was quite controlled by Westerners, mostly Jews. It's like they lost their minds and now have moved far away from totalitarianism. Soooooo much more to say to make my case, but not in a kludgy format like a comment box.
#2) -- The receipts overwhelming prove that Jews control the unipolar world. BlackRock almost alone says it all. Their AI (Aladdin) is THE mechanism through which almost the entire Western (and beyond) financial transactions flow.
Even your buddy Paul Cudenec's latest article is saying Jews are the one global mafia. He wrote: My certainty that the Rothschilds are the dominant force behind the entire global mafia has been confirmed by the nauseating and near-unanimous support voiced by “political leaders” for Israel, the country the Rothschilds played such a key role in creating.
I could go on and on. Bottom line, any freedom we have left in this world going forward will depend on the success of governments not controlled by jews. Jews are tenaciously trying to worm their way into the multipolar world and/or destroy it (e.g., Syria coup), but after October 7, even the Saudis realize the psychopathic zionist jews are a bridge too far. Only snakes like Erdogan and extremely extorted societies like the US will align with the pure evil represented by the elite Talmudic cabal who will kill babies and starve children to get their way. Just no competition at all, Mees.
Hi Cat, as to your point 2, I agree on the symptoms ("the Jews control the world") but not on the diagnosis (the dynastic families that run the project, like the Rothschilds, just pretend to be Jews, they are not religious, they use religions and ideologies as social engineering tools to control their proxies).
In other words, my thesis is that the whole Jewish religion story, starting with the Bible writing project in Alexandria 270 BC, is a scam to lure in the since long cosmopolitan Jewish tribe as proxies (and a shield) for their project to dominate the world. The antisemitism trick allows them to put Jews in very visible positions - while the "traitors within the gates", in all countries and important institutions, and in all colors and ethnicities, are not recognized as proxies. See my article on substack "The project for world domination is not Jewish – nor is it American!"
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, I'm calling it a duck. :-)
And if Jews don't like it, they need to step up in big numbers and make sure the world knows that's not them. At some point the proxies gotta get their act together and call out the imposters. We Gentiles can't do it for them. It's too hard to solve someone else's ID Theft.
We need to be grateful for all the Jews of conscience who speak out against Jewish Power, and not just Zionism, the low hanging fruit that's comparatively easy to excoriate:
I had listened to this. Very good. Lots of good info. Others who are doing very good analysis right now on the current situation: Alistair Crooke, Syria Girl, Col. Jacques Baud, Nick Fuentes, Max Blumenthal, and Caitlin Johnstone.
So much for Scott Ritter's analysis . . . Nick Fuentes has some incisive criticism of Scott and Max Blumenthal.
I wonder if she had mRNA "vaccine product" injections, which remove cancer surveillance immune defenses and specifically predispose to this:
"In May 2024, it was announced that Syrian First Lady Asma Assad has acute myeloid leukemia in the form of aggressive cancer of the bone marrow and blood."
Neo-Ottoman interests and US/Kurdish-proxy interests are somewhat at odds with Zionist-nationalist interests going forward. Erdogan and some other factions will be able to hedge their bets a bit by letting Russia keep bases, but that is already tense. Fighters on the ground don't like it.
Russia and Iran appear to choose to limit their losses, and let frenemies just mentioned "work it out".
That's a good point, John. In 2018 she had breast cancer. If she took the jab, that would have surely made Madame Assad further vulnerable to cancer. I could find no indication whether or not she or her husband ever took the vax. I would think if they did, we would have heard about it because the Big Pharma propaganda push goes so deep as to even report big names they are at odds with.
I don't think Russia and Iran limited their losses at all. They just kicked the can down the road for future problems given a key geostrategic ally for them was taken out. It undermines their positions enormously, especially Iran. Israel is smelling blood. The only possibility to backfire is if all the terrorist proxies collectively turn on Israel, but that's a fat change when you consider Israel holds the purse strings.
Same old ZioBeast story Just a continuation of my book “Visas
For Al Qaeda: CIA Handouts That Rocked The World “
Excellent Cat..read it all. Will look into the the Syrian girl interview. My heart was heavy all day yesterday over what has happened. A temporary big win for the Zionist regime. And I hope the end of Erdogan..a traitor and a snake. 👹
Yes, Alci, "temporary big win" is the operative assessment. It's always darkest before the dawn, and the three transcendentals -- Truth, Beauty, and Good -- always win out.
Excellent. This needs to be required reading by every American school age and older. As the saying goes..'The past is prologue'., We are staring at our future..
The USA politicians are bought and paid for by mass murdering Zionists.
Totally agree. The next level of understanding in that direction is that the Zionists are just low hanging fruit fairly new on the scene, only since the late 1800s. The overarching issue is Jewish Power which has been around for centuries, long before Zionism even existed.
For example, the Magna Carta is not just the people going up against the king. It is very much about how to stop jews who had accrued undue power and privileges from their association with the king.
There is soooo much hidden history that explains how the jews got so powerful today, almost omnipotent really.
Greater Israel has been the plan all along, Beeley actually wrote about it to in connection to that weird, hyper digitalized prison, oops "vertical city" NEOM or whatever it was called, supposed to be in Saudi Arabia. If I remember correctly, it was to be (is to be?) on the border of eretz Israel. Interesting that Israel has never had set borders. It's always been expansionist. surprise surprise (not)
A chaotic Syria full of crazy jihadis with connections to super-rich Arabs might be a good place from which to sneak untraceable nukes into "Israel."
Yep. If the recent coup is any indication, Syria is going to be a madhouse gathering hole for chaos agents far and wide. I mean WTF were Uighers doing there? It's sort of like Dallas 11/22/1963 when every hitman in the business showed up for "The Big Event." Israel and it's Western lackeys are going to have a hard time keeping the oil flowing through Syria to Europe if Syria shapes up to be Terrorist Central.
The Zionists are pursuing a high-risk high-reward strategy. The danger from chaotic jihadi-infested Syria will give them an excuse to steal more land for Greater Israel.
Hamdulillah, 3 counterforces prevail:
1) the duped proxy terrorists in Syria all unite against Israel
2) the Arab world aggressively unites against Israel, especially financially
3) the entire world does a worldwide strict boycott of Israel
Muslim-speak tip: We say insha'allah before it happens, and alhamdullilah after it happens. Example:
Ballad of an Irish Muslim
I was born in County Kerry with a Guinness in me hand
That thick white foam washed o’er me like the waves wash o’er the sand
One great black wave broke on me brain and washed me sins (sense) away…
And I became a Muslim
On that glahrious drunken day
But now…me drinkin’ days are done...al hamdullilah (praise God)
me drinkin’ days are done...insha'allah (God willing)
Raise yer glass to this Irish Muslim, whose drinkin’ days are done!
They offered me some Guinness and I drank up their supplies
When I told `em I was Muslim, why they couldn’t believe their eyes
They said, “What sort of Muslim is this who drinks a dozen pints?”
I said “Ye should’ve seen me drink before I saw the light!”
Doh, you're right! I got my insha'allah and alhamdullilah mixed up. LOL
Cute Irish Muslim ballad.
Did anybody ever trace the South African devices?
Any nuclear supplies would have all come from the apartheid South African government's #1 partner: Israel. So much of that came out when the Boer government fell, as did the fact that Nelson Mandela had been doing training in Israel.
Bravo Cat, well said.
My own 2 cents....it is clear - to me anyway - why Assad opted to remove himself. This decision was not taken alone but with his ministers on one hand and in consultation with Iran and Russia on the other, who had offered to take up the fight and were refused. The deal made with ISIS/Al Jolani was that in return for surrendering the state they respect all of Syria's citizens. We shall see...but unlikely, since LGBT-friendly/ DEI "Al Jolani" already beheaded an 11 year old boy on the road to Damascus, obviously this boy was a serious threat to the Takfiris. And as we know everyone who is NOT a Takfiri is "amalek".
The best description of Assad's decision from my POV is Dialogue Works interview 3 days ago with Col. Jacques Baud
Also from my POV, the rumour that the Arab Council advised Assad to get along with Israel and he was influenced by this is obviously silly. Too late for this after 40 plus years of war and resistance and with the enemies gathered inside and on the borders of a desperately weak Syria.
Meanwhile it should be clear why no state has directly intervened to help Gaza, let alone Iran and Russia. In the same way that Ukraine's four day 200-fold increase in shelling Donbass was the PROVOCATION that launched Russia's SMO, UK/USA/ISR proffered - unspoken - direct intervention in Gaza / Israel as reason
to launch their much desired WW3. (All to save their failed financial Ponzi.)
The 'Arab world' refers to all the states where arabic, a semitic language, is spoken. Every single one of them has been weakened. The best they can do is protect their own countries and peoples from the Hegemon's attack and voice solidarity through the Arab Council of States. It is interesting that Saudi Arabia has stuck firmly to its condemnation.
By removing himself Assad has in one stroke removed the Hegemon's excuse for war.(Obama's "Assad must go") The Tyrant has gone! Democracy and Human Rights now reigns! Peace and prosperity will bloom in Syria, liberated at long last!
Lastly, it can be argued that non-intervention and Syrian surrender - painful and horrible as it is - gives the collective Hegemon even more rope to hang itself. Why intervene with that? Next up, it looks like, is an intra-NATO war over the Kurds.
Hubris from the neo-Ottomans and the Khazarians... It has begun.
Excellent overview, Cat. I have felt that the period of time between the reelection of Donald Trump as President of the U.S and his oath of office in January 2025 would be a very dangerous period. Now we see these significant geopolitical global changes taking place. Some kind of deal having been struck? It certainly feels like it.
One interesting angle to it all is the degree that virtually nobody saw it coming. I'm sure Trump nor Biden was let in on the game plan. I wonder if Larry Fink or Mariam Adelson were. In any event, much of all this money that the Biden admin has been furiously extracting from the American taxpayers these past 6 months at an ever more manic rate I now believe has not been going to Ukraine or even in private pockets. Of course everyone on the supply chain will get a cut, but the biggest dole has surely been going these last couple of months to the Israeli proxy terrorists who have all descended on Syria like playoffs for the world's worst bad guys. Poor Syria. Nothing like being at one of the world's key crossroads. You're a sitting duck for modern-day Huns. Either that, or you control it because you ARE the Hun of all Huns.
Huns or Borgias?
Hi Cat, like all other observers, I did not see this coming and have no satisfying explanation. But I find your explanation ludicrous and naive: "Why did Iran, Russia, and even China not come to the defense of Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria each in turn from the get-go? Perhaps coming from humane societies with traditional values, at a deep psychological level they just couldn’t bear to enter into the lying, cheating, stealing, etc etc."
(just on example: 60 years ago, during our lifetime, communist Chinese, still in power today, killed dozens of millions non- communist Chinese! have you forgotten?)
You know my thesis: like the West, Russia China Iran Israel Hamas etc are all gangsters with blood on their hands, led by the very same Predators in fake theater wars with real victims.
See Rurik Skywalker, Edward Slavsquat, Iain Davis and others (and my book The predators versus The People).
Hi Mees - Yes, I know your thesis and still disagree with it. As much as I truly loved your book, I still have 2 main objections with regards to your overall thesis:
1) The Big Three are just the new bad guys as in meet the new boss, same as the old boss -- I disagree
2) Jews don't control the top of the gangster food chain, that's it's more of a diversified mix of bad guys; no one group has gained overall supremacy -- I disagree
#1 -- Of course there will be analysts like Davis, Slavsquat who agree with you, but they are not the final word. Of course, The Big Three are not angels, but in looking at their basic DNA, for example, I'd rather have a Taoist surveillance security state than a Talmudic surveillance security state. (Obviously I don't want ANY surveillance security state, but humanity is not at that inflection point yet.)
You talk about China's 60 years of communist evil. I would call that an aberrational tangent in their 3000(?) year history. It was channeled by outsider meddling. Mao was quite controlled by Westerners, mostly Jews. It's like they lost their minds and now have moved far away from totalitarianism. Soooooo much more to say to make my case, but not in a kludgy format like a comment box.
#2) -- The receipts overwhelming prove that Jews control the unipolar world. BlackRock almost alone says it all. Their AI (Aladdin) is THE mechanism through which almost the entire Western (and beyond) financial transactions flow.
Even your buddy Paul Cudenec's latest article is saying Jews are the one global mafia. He wrote: My certainty that the Rothschilds are the dominant force behind the entire global mafia has been confirmed by the nauseating and near-unanimous support voiced by “political leaders” for Israel, the country the Rothschilds played such a key role in creating.
I could go on and on. Bottom line, any freedom we have left in this world going forward will depend on the success of governments not controlled by jews. Jews are tenaciously trying to worm their way into the multipolar world and/or destroy it (e.g., Syria coup), but after October 7, even the Saudis realize the psychopathic zionist jews are a bridge too far. Only snakes like Erdogan and extremely extorted societies like the US will align with the pure evil represented by the elite Talmudic cabal who will kill babies and starve children to get their way. Just no competition at all, Mees.
Hi Cat, as to your point 2, I agree on the symptoms ("the Jews control the world") but not on the diagnosis (the dynastic families that run the project, like the Rothschilds, just pretend to be Jews, they are not religious, they use religions and ideologies as social engineering tools to control their proxies).
In other words, my thesis is that the whole Jewish religion story, starting with the Bible writing project in Alexandria 270 BC, is a scam to lure in the since long cosmopolitan Jewish tribe as proxies (and a shield) for their project to dominate the world. The antisemitism trick allows them to put Jews in very visible positions - while the "traitors within the gates", in all countries and important institutions, and in all colors and ethnicities, are not recognized as proxies. See my article on substack "The project for world domination is not Jewish – nor is it American!"
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, I'm calling it a duck. :-)
And if Jews don't like it, they need to step up in big numbers and make sure the world knows that's not them. At some point the proxies gotta get their act together and call out the imposters. We Gentiles can't do it for them. It's too hard to solve someone else's ID Theft.
Meryl Nass MD is a Jewess who is taking a lot of flak in her life and comments section from Mossad trolls...
We need to be grateful for all the Jews of conscience who speak out against Jewish Power, and not just Zionism, the low hanging fruit that's comparatively easy to excoriate:
Alan Sabrosky
Gilad Atzmon
Henry Herskovitz
Norman Finklestein
Brother Nathaniel
Matthew Tower
Who else?
Pepe Escobar at 2:23 to about 28 min: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWBrLsUP5eQ
I had listened to this. Very good. Lots of good info. Others who are doing very good analysis right now on the current situation: Alistair Crooke, Syria Girl, Col. Jacques Baud, Nick Fuentes, Max Blumenthal, and Caitlin Johnstone.
So much for Scott Ritter's analysis . . . Nick Fuentes has some incisive criticism of Scott and Max Blumenthal.
I wonder if she had mRNA "vaccine product" injections, which remove cancer surveillance immune defenses and specifically predispose to this:
"In May 2024, it was announced that Syrian First Lady Asma Assad has acute myeloid leukemia in the form of aggressive cancer of the bone marrow and blood."
Neo-Ottoman interests and US/Kurdish-proxy interests are somewhat at odds with Zionist-nationalist interests going forward. Erdogan and some other factions will be able to hedge their bets a bit by letting Russia keep bases, but that is already tense. Fighters on the ground don't like it.
Russia and Iran appear to choose to limit their losses, and let frenemies just mentioned "work it out".
That's a good point, John. In 2018 she had breast cancer. If she took the jab, that would have surely made Madame Assad further vulnerable to cancer. I could find no indication whether or not she or her husband ever took the vax. I would think if they did, we would have heard about it because the Big Pharma propaganda push goes so deep as to even report big names they are at odds with.
I don't think Russia and Iran limited their losses at all. They just kicked the can down the road for future problems given a key geostrategic ally for them was taken out. It undermines their positions enormously, especially Iran. Israel is smelling blood. The only possibility to backfire is if all the terrorist proxies collectively turn on Israel, but that's a fat change when you consider Israel holds the purse strings.
You should see the lies the Washington Post is printing
And you should hear the lies the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation is contributing.
Dear Cat
I will publish today.
The Phoenicians are back in Syria, while they have the western world in their grip.
Excellent. Thank you, Cat! I very much enjoyed your chat with Kevin B.
You likely have read Vanessa's latest Substack post, too, which I just published a few minutes ago.
Bravo well said 👏🙏❤️
Of course the USOFI do….no surprises there…in fact they are COMPLICIT….its just that you don’t know that yet…….
What or who is the USOFI? The United States OF Israel?